Saturday, July 14, 2018

Homework #4

Homework  #4 (due Wednesday, July 18, 2018)

New verb:

Infinitive: hawwe – to have
1st: ich
1st: mir
2nd: du
2nd: dihr, nihr, ihr
3rd: er, sie, es, mer
3rd: sie
Imperative: Sei! (singular); Seid! (plural)

Circle the word that would complete the sentence properly.

1.    Ich hab ____ Buch.

a). der
b). es
c). die

2.    _______ iss dei Fonnummer?

a). Wu
b). Wuhaer
c). Was

3.    Elf wennicher zwee macht:

a). dreizeh
b). nein
c). zehe

The following is from question 9 on page 15 in the 1stedition (probably page 21 in the 2ndedition. Answer the following questions based on the information from the story and based on the knowledge you currently have. Question 1 contains a dative construct you have not yet seen, and question 3 contains the word “ihr” as the English possessive “her.” Use the dictionary if you must.

Don’t worry too much if you have trouble with the questions that have some new material. If you need help, hit me up.
I’ve also added a challenge question or two. Take your best guess!

Sell iss die Mary Schneider. Sie wuhnt in Ellsdaun. Ihr Fonnummer iss 797-4860. Sie hot drei Kinner. Ihrem Mann sei Naame iss Mark. Der Mark kummt vun Barricks Kaundi bei Reading (Reddin Schtadt).

1.    Was iss der Fraa ihre Naame?

2.    Wu wuhnt sie?

3.    Wu kummt ihr Mann bei?

4.    In weller Kaundi iss die Reddin Schtadt? 

5.    Wieviel Kinner hot sie?

6.    Wer iss em Mark sei Fraa?

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